Chain of Responsibility

Sherritt & Sons are firm adherents to the Chain of Responsibility policy that has been adopted across Victoria. This policy ensures that all parties in the supply chain are taking responsibility for actions regarding end-to-end delivery of goods, and that they are not unlawful. This means that speeding, overloading trucks (both in terms of dimension and mass) and ignorance of driver fatigue are behaviours that will not be tolerated by Sherritt & Sons.

Additionally, on 1 October 2018, the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) was amended to provide that every party in the heavy vehicle transport supply chain has a duty to ensure the safety of their transport activities.

As a party in the supply chain, the best way to do this is to have safety management systems and controls in place, such as business practices, training, procedures and review processes that:

  • identify, assess, evaluate, and control risk;
  • manage compliance through identified best practice;
  • involve regular reporting, including to executive officers; and
  • document or record actions taken to manage safety.

For further information, view the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator brochure.